Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Introducing Lilyana Photography!

I am thrilled to now be introducing Lilyana Photography. This name has come from many many long hours of thought, and I am very happy to finally establish it as the foundation for my photography. My first name, Carrie Ann Photography, was taken... thus began the journey to come up with a new title that represented me without using my own name.

Lilyana comes from combining Lily and Anna. Both are names from my family history, Lily, coming from my moms side, and Anna coming from my dads. These women represent almost every emotion I hope to capture with my art. Their lives were filled with strength, passion, courage, and an unrelenting love for everyone around them.

This is such an exciting time for me and I'm really looking forward to expanding my talents and putting my work out there for people to see.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Glad you found a name for yourself in the world of photography. Very nice shots of Sharon also and I think thats a great way to start off your blog. People like to see photography with writing. Like an e-magazine of sorts. Keep it up!
